Session 5: Indigenous food systems and sovereignty. Course seminar at the EHESS, Paris

Napuruna woman preparing hot pepper with peanuts, 2017. Credits: Emmanuelle Ricaud Oneto

Indigenous food systems and food sovereignty

On 4th May, we will listen to and discuss with the following guests :

Saul Vicente Vásquez, Member of the Coordination Committee of the Civil Society and Indigenous Peoples Mechanism, Committee on World Food Security

Emmanuelle Ricaud Oneto, PhD student at the EHESS, LAIOS-IIAC

Franklin Baniwa, PhD student at Brasilia University, Brasil

Please note that the seminar will take place in room 13, at EHESS – 105 Boulevard Raspail, Paris, from 9 a.m. to 1p.m.

Read the abstracts of the interventions on :