Session 3: Indigenous knowledge and intellectual property. Course seminar at the EHESS, Paris

Credits: Emmanuelle Ricaud Oneto

We are pleased to invite you to the next session of the course seminar Comparative Perspectives on indigenous peoples’ rights moderated by Irène Bellier and Emmanuelle Ricaud Oneto.

Indigenous knowledge and intellectual property
On 14th february, we will listen to and discuss with fascinating guests :
Samir Boumediene, Researcher at the CNRS. IHRIM – ENS de Lyon
Adriana Muñoz Sanchéz, PhD at the EHESS -Cermes3, Inserm, Paris
Leandro Varison, Post-doctoral researcher at the Musée du Quai Branly, ParisA

Please note that the seminar will take place in room 13, at EHESS – 105 Boulevard Raspail, Paris, from 9 a.m. to 1p.m.

Read the abstracts of the interventions on :