Resumption of the course seminar Comparative perspectives on indigenous peoples’ rights at the EHESS, Paris

Credits: Nathalie Le Bouler Pavelic

We are pleased to announce the resumption of the course seminar Comparative perspectives on indigenous peoples’ rights. It will be moderated by Irène Bellier and Emmanuelle Ricaud Oneto. You will find attached the program of the 6 sessions.

Please note that the seminar will take place in room 13, at EHESS – 105 Boulevard Raspail, Paris, from 9 a.m. to 1p.m.

Sessions are planned on the following dates:

29th November 2018: Indigenous peoples’ rights : what about an extension of human rights to non-humans?
31st January: Indigenous rights and extractivism
14th February: Indigenous knowledge and intellectual property
11th April: Anthropology of mining and indigenous peoples issues
9th May: Indigenous food systems and food sovereignty
13th June: Violence against indigenous women

Indigenous peoples’ rights : what about an extension of human rights to non-humans?
On 29th november, we will listen to and discuss with fascinating guests :
Alexandre Surrallés, Research Director at CNRS (Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale)
Nathalie Le Bouler Pavelic, PhD at UFBA/EHESS (IIAC/LAIOS)
Célia Tupinamba, Tupinamba representative 
Jéssica Tupinamba, Tupinamba representative 

They will talk about the relations between humans and non-humans, from the dual perspective of the practices and of the rights recognized to indigenous peoples.

Read the abstracts of the interventions on :

S1_PCDPA _29 novembre -1Télécharger

The session will be completed on 30th november with a screening-debate about “Indigenous women in the fight. Invisibility and violence – resistance and progress”.

It will take place at the Amphitheatre François Furet , at EHESS – 105 Boulevard Raspail, Paris, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Credits: Nathalie Le Bouler Pavelic

Read about the projected movies and participants’s interventions on: