Renato Athias

RENATO ATHIAS, a Doctor in ethnology (1995) from the University of Paris 10, is the Coordinator of the Centre for Studies and Research on Ethnicity (NEPE) at Federal University of Pernambuco (Brazil), Associate Professor at the Post-graduate Program in Anthropology at UFPE and in the Master in Anthropology at the University of Salamanca in Spain. He conducted studies in the media area and television at the University of Southampton (UK) through the British Council scholarships, has experience in the field of Anthropology, with emphasis on the Ethnology of the indigenous peoples, shamanism and indigenous health, visual anthropology, ethnographic collections and museology, including research projects among indigenous peoples of Pernambuco and Rio Negro region in the Amazon. He has published Povos Indígenas of Pernambuco (2007); A noção da Identidade Étnica na Antropologia Brasileira (2008); Olhar crítico sobre a Participacão e Governança (2010); Reconhecimento dos Rios Içana, Ayari e Rio Uaupés, Apontamentos linguisticos e fotografias de Curt Nimuendaju (2015). He has has been working with shamanistic objects of the people of Rio Negro in the Museums in France, publishing articles in this field with emphasis on policies of recognition and the politics of knowledge the indigenous people of the Amazon.