Mariana Mora

MARIANA MORA is an associate professor – researcher at the Center for Research and Higher Studies in Social Anthropology in Mexico City. She earned her PhD in Anthropology from the University of Texas at Austin and an MA in Latin-American Studies from Stanford University. Her research interests include: social movements and State formation; decoloniality; legal anthropology; and the production of gender and racialization. She is currently concluding her manuscript entitled, The Decolonization of Politics: Zapatista indigenous autonomy and the neoliberal State. She is co-editor of the book, Luchas Muy Otras: Zapatismo y Autonomía en Comunidades Indígenas de Chiapas (2011) and autor of diverse publications on indigenous rights, decolonial politics and Zapatismo, including, “La politización de la justicia zapatista frente a los efectos de la guerra de baja intensidad en Chiapas”, In, Justicias indígenas y Estado: Violencias contemporáneas, María Teresa Sierra, Rachel Sieder, Rosalva Aída Hernández Castillo (coord). Mexico: CIESAS, FLACSO; “Las experiencias de la autonomía indígena Zapatista frente al Estado neoliberal Mexicano”. In, La autonomía a debate: políticas de reconocimiento y Estado plurinacional en América Latina, Co-edited by Miguel González, Araceli Burguete, Santiago Ortiz. Her most recent project focuses on the State violence, criminalization, processes of racialization and use of rights regimes in the state of Guerrero.